Living From Love

Ready to engage in a transformative conversation that sparks your inner joy?

Do you desire to connect deeply with your authentic self and with others who are awakening their Soul connection too?

Join us in an intimate group experience exploring BEing YOU by Living from Love! More than just another online group—it's a vibrant community of human BEings and inspired souls open to exploring and looking in the direction of who we truly are. Join us twice a month for live, one-hour explorations and a one-day deep immersion together in November.  


💜 Explore the Depth of What Is Really True

💜 Connect with Like-Minded Souls

💜 Ongoing Conversation between Sessions

💜 Flexible Participation/Sessions Recorded

Community Schedule

When: September - December 2024 

Wednesdays 7pm-8pm ET 

  • September 11 & 25
  • October 16 & 30
  • November 6 & 20
  • December 4 & 18

Plus, 1 Immersive Day (5 hours of activities & exploration) in November *Date coming soon.

What to Expect

💜 Bi-Monthly Live Sessions: 1 hour, monthly topic, explorations.

💜 Session Video Prompts: To spark and inspire you about our live calls.

💜 Group Chat: Stay connected in Telegram and share insights with each other.

💜 Access to all recorded sessions to & enjoy them at any time.

💜 Immersion Gathering: 5 hour day of exploration, love & support.


Join the Community



- or - 

Living from Love Monthly Payment Plan 

Living from Love Monthly Plan


Questions? Feel free to reach out to us. We can’t wait to play and explore in this transformational conversation together.

💜 BIG Love and Light  💜